Abstract-The motivation behind this study is the impact made on today's social media by music players, which include features like portability, size and equalizer functionality for the best possible sound output quality. The objective of this study was to develop a system that reads the wave files present on the Secure Data (SD) card, adjust the equalizer settings incorporated on it, and play them on the speaker with the best possible quality sound output. This was done with the help of the SD card slot provided on the DE2 board, and its implementation on the board using Altera's SoPC (System-ona-Programmable-Chip) Builder in the Altera Quartus 9.1 environment. Nios II is a 32-bit soft-core embedded processor architecture designed specifically for the Altera family of FPGAs. Programming of the Nios II processor is done using the Nios II 9.1 IDE tool. An extension of this work could include incorporation of video-along with the audio on the DE2 board since there is a VGA slot included on the board features and the movement of the wave files on the SD card with the help of the keys present on the DE2 board.Index Terms-Embedded processor, Nios II embedded design, SoPC builder, and system on a programmable chip builder.