Choroidal detachments occur when there is an accumulation of fluid or blood in the suprachoroidal space, a potential space situated between the choroid and the sclera. They are an uncommon ocular pathology. The most common cause of choroidal detachment is secondary to trabeculectomy; however, there are other causes such as trauma and inflammation. Clinically, choroidal detachments may vary in presentation from asymptomatic, to very poor vision, severe ocular pain, vomiting and nausea. Ocular findings associated with choroidal detachments include serous retinal detachment, secondary angle closure, and a very shallow anterior chamber. Optometrists, as primary eye care providers, need to be aware of the clinical signs and symptoms associated with choroidal detachments and ensure that appropriate and timely management, with a referral to an ophthalmologist, is instigated for optimal visual outcomes. In this review, the pathophysiology, detection, and associated risk factors for choroidal detachments are discussed, and evidence-based management recommendations in an optometric context are provided. The characteristics and management of uveal effusion syndrome are also reviewed, as this can cause idiopathic exudative choroidal detachments distinct from classical choroidal detachment.