This research aims to investigate process and mechanism of splitting water by illumination copper oxide using indoor lights. We report here an innovative approach, in which the lights are used from low energy and rarely never using in general photovoltaic system. The illumination is monitoring with high resolution CMOS Camera, 13 MPixel of OPPO X9006, to capture image of spliiting water. Splitting of water to produce hydrogen due on the Carbon (Graphite) electrode surface with electricity current from Cu 2 O/Al PV Cell and Na 2 SO 4 electrolyte. Tandem of PV cell and Electrolysis Cell (PV-EC) produce Hydrogen gas, in which electric current is 4.27 Voltage and 0.920 mA in Na 2 SO 4 0.5 N optimal condition. PV Cell use Cu 2 O/Al as electrode with surface area 0.003711 m 2 . With eleven PV cell series arrangement (surface area = 0.018555m 2 ), produce voltage 4,27V (this voltage was exceed minimum voltage for water splitting with voltage 4,27V) and current 0.910 mA. The process of water splitting observed at initiation of formation H 2 gas and H 2 release at carbon surface. After 1 hour and 50 minutes, H 2 gas volume produced reach 0.00281 mL.