ABSTRACT. The taste buds of the fungiform papillae, circumvallate papilla, foliate papillae, soft palate and epiglottis of the rat oral cavity were examined by lectin histochemistry to elucidate the relationships between expression of glycoconjugates and innervation. Seven out of 21 lectins showed moderate to intense staining in at least more than one taste bud. They were succinylated wheat germ agglutinin (s-WGA), Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin-I (BSL-I), Ricinus communis agglutinin-I (RCA-I), peanut agglutinin (PNA), Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I (UEA-I) and Phaseolus vulgaris agglutinin-L (PHA-L). UEA-I and BSL-I showed moderate to intense staining in all of the taste buds examined. They strongly stained the taste buds of the epiglottis, which are innervated by the cranial nerve X. UEA-I intensely stained the taste buds of the fungiform papillae and soft palate, both of which are innervated by the cranial nerve VII. The taste buds of circumvallate papilla and foliate papillae were innervated by the cranial nerve IX and strongly stained by BSL-I. Thus, UEA-I and BSL-I binding glycoconjugates, probably α-linked fucose and α-D-galactose, respectively, might be specific for taste buds. Although the expression of these glycoconjugates would be related to the innervation of the cranial nerve X, the differential expression of α-linked fucose and α-D-galactose might be related to the innervation of the cranial nerve VII and IX, respectively. KEY WORDS: glycoconjugate, innervation, lectin-histochemistry, rat, taste bud.The gustatory sense is one of four special senses in mammals. The gustatory sense is transmitted by the taste buds distributed in the oral cavity and laryngopharynx. The taste buds, composed of 40-70 cells with different cell types, have a complex structure and access to the oral cavity via the taste pore [2,10,12,17,23]. They can catch chemical materials in the solvent and transmit the signals to the central nervous system. In mammals, the taste buds are observed in fungiform papillae, circumvallate papillae, foliate papillae, soft palate and epiglottis where individual taste bud is innervated by only one of three kinds of the cranial nerves, VII, IX, and X. Taste buds of fungiform papillae, anterior region of foliate papillae and soft palate were innervated by chorda tympani of the cranial nerve VII [14]. Taste buds of circumvallate papilla and posterior region of foliate papillae were innervated by the cranial nerve IX and those of epiglottis were innervated by the cranial nerve X in the rat [14]. These cranial nerves have crucial roles for the development, maintenance and regeneration of the taste buds in the rat [3,4,11,13,15,24].The glycoconjugates on the surface of taste bud cells were involved in chemosensory regulation in olfactory cilia of the channel catfish [5]. The carbohydrate components in the taste buds of circumvallate papillae were detected by lectin histochemistry in the Syrian hamster [16]. In the tongue of various vertebrates, Witt et al. showed ma...