First passage problems for spectrally negative Lévy processes with possible absorbtion or/and reflection at boundaries have been widely applied in mathematical finance, risk, queueing, and inventory/storage theory. Historically, such problems were tackled by taking Laplace transform of the associated Kolmogorov integro-differential equations involving the generator operator.In the last years there appeared an alternative approach based on the solution of two fundamental "two-sided exit" problems from an interval (TSE). A spectrally one-sided process will exit smoothly on one side on an interval, and the solution is simply expressed in terms of a "scale function" W (3) (Bertoin 1997). The non-smooth two-sided exit (or ruin) problem suggests introducing a second scale function Z (4) (Avram, Kyprianou and Pistorius 2004).Since many other problems can be reduced to TSE, researchers produced in the last years a kit of formulas expressed in terms of the "W, Z alphabet" for a great variety of first passage problems.We collect here our favorite recipes from this kit, including a recent one (94) which generalizes the classic De Finetti dividend problem, and whose optimization may be useful for the valuation of financial companies.One interesting use of the kit is for recognizing relationships between apparently unrelated problems -see Lemma 3. Another is expressing results in a standardized form, improving thus the possibility to check when a formula is already known (which is not altogether trivial given that several related strands of literature need to be checked).Last but not least, it turned out recently that once the classic W, Z are replaced with appropriate generalizations, the classic formulas for (absorbed/ reflected) Lévy processes continue to hold for: a) spectrally negative Markov additive processes (Ivanovs and Palmowski 2012), b) spectrally negative Lévy processes with Poissonian Parisian absorbtion or/and reflection (Avram, Perez and Yamazaki 2017), or with Omega killing (Li and Palmowski 2017.This suggests that processes combining two or three of these features could also be handled by appropriate W, Z functions.An implicit question arising from our list is to investigate the existence of similar formulas for more complicated classes of spectrally negative Markovian processes, like for example continuous branching processes with and without immigration (Kawazu and Watanabe 1971), which are characterized by two Laplace exponents. This topic deserves further investigation.