by a third. 4,5 There are certain unknown infl uences such as the changes to remuneration in general practice and the effect of increasing costs of dentistry on patients' choice on whether to restore or extract teeth. Therefore, the true long-term trend towards decreasing edentulism is not fully known but changes have occurred which might have an impact on healthcare delivery in the form of complete dentures.Before embarking upon changes in teaching it is important to identify what are the commonly practised aspects of prosthodontics. The aim of this study was to assess the current range and quantity of fi xed and removable prosthodontics carried out in general dental practice in South East of England. This information could then be used when designing curricula for undergraduates.
METHODA questionnaire was designed to record the range and frequency of prosthodontic techniques performed by dental practitioners. The potential criteria were discussed at length in focus groups with dentists and teachers in prosthodontics to identify the questions and their focus.