Design visioning is an approach to formulating the development objective for a planned area. It is based on the input from multiple analyses which results in a clear vision statement. This vision acts as a framework for planning and designing physical interventions. To accomplish the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing’s directive of “transforming the kampongs’ face” in its slum upgrading program, visionary goal-setting is needed to look beyond physical interventions in infrastructure planning. In fact, the eradication of all slum indicators should not be viewed as an end goal but as a way to improve kampongs’ socioeconomic conditions by creating more liveable and sustainable settlements. Using contextual analysis, followed by SWOT analysis and site analysis, this paper generates general development strategies. The study found that the economic and ecological setting of Ambulu Village in Cirebon Regency has the potential to be promoted into a new maritime-themed tourism destination. The paper presents a vision statement for “Ambulu Eco Fishing Village” as the basis for a set of design principles for developing a slum upgrading masterplan.