This paper is the hrst of a series reporting our investigations into the hightemperature properties of the monovalent metals. I t contains a description of the nlethods used in these investigations, and the results of measurements of the transport properties of pure copper, over the temperature range 300-1 250 'I<. These results are compared \\.it11 solue previously published work, and also with standard theoretical esprcssions applicable to the monovalent metals.'Issued as N.R.C. No. 9'760. *The non~enclature on this point is somewhat confused. The ratio Ap/T, where A is the measured thermal conductivity, is son~etimes called the "Lorenz function" or even the "Lorenz number". \I:e prefer to call it the \Viedemann-Franz ratio, and reserve the term Lorenz nuiuber for thc Sommerfeld value, Lo = ?r2k2/3e2, and Lorenz function for the (theoretical) ratio X,p/T, \\.here A, is the electronic part of A.