ABSTRACT. The external characteristics and successive morphological changes of the brain and its derivatives were studied in 69 long-tailed monkey embryos representing developmental stages 8 through 16. This morphogenesis follows a similar pattern to those of the rhesus, baboon, and human. Minor differences in the temporal sequence of specific developmental events include: 1) otic disc, adenohypophyseal pouch, and hippocampal internal sulcus formation in the long-tailed macaque occur at stage 10, stage 11, and after stage 16 respectively, which is comparable to human stages 9, 10, and 16; 2) formation of the trigeminal primordium and the motor root of the trigeminal nerve and evagination of the neurohypophysis occur at stage 12, stage 14, and stage 15, while in the human embryo these features are observed at stage 14, stage 15, and stage 16, respectively; and 3) closure of the lens pore, like in the rhesus monkey, occurs during stage 15, while in the baboon and human it takes place during stage 14. These temporal differences in the embryonic period are important factors to be taken into consideration in any embryological and teratological studies when using M. fascicularis as a primate model.