The MADS-box gene family controls plant flowering and floral organ development; therefore, it is particularly important in ornamental plants. To investigate the genes associated with the MADS-box family in Clematis courtoisii, we performed full-length transcriptome sequencing on C. courtoisii using the PacBio Sequel third-generation sequencing platform, as no reference genome data was available. A total of 12.38 Gb of data, containing 9,476,585 subreads and 50,439 Unigenes were obtained. According to functional annotation, a total of 37,923 Unigenes (75.18% of the total) were assigned with functional annotations, and 50 Unigenes were identified as MADS-box related genes. Subsequently, we employed hmmerscan to perform protein sequence similarity search for the translated Unigene sequences and successfully identified 19 Unigenes associated with the MADS-box gene family, including MIKC*(1) and MIKCC (18) genes. Furthermore, within the MIKCC group, six subclasses can be further distinguished.