Juan Fernández Ridge (JFR) is a ca. 800 km long volcanic chain composed by seamounts, guyots and oceanic islands in the SE Pacific. JFR is thought to be related to a deep mantle plume and usually scores high in the hotspots catalogs (e.g., Anderson, 2005; Jackson et al., 2017). High 3 He/ 4 He in Robinson Crusoe is probably the most undoubted feature of lower mantle involvement. However, one of the most convincing pieces of evidence for a source rooted deep in the mantle is the age progression along a volcanic chain, which is poorly constrained for JFR. In fact, some scarce K-Ar dates in Alejandro Selkirk and Robinson Crusoe islands, and a total fusion age for O'Higgins Guyot published more than 20 years ago, is the only evidence available for such a hypothesis in previous works. Here we integrate recently published 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages and 17 new results on groundmass step heating experiments from rocks corresponding to the late shield stage (O