Wastewater flows of metropolitan cities and their downstream use for irrigation are often associated with technical systems. However, an engineering approach on its own will leave questions unanswered at the socio-technical and institutional level. Research was carried out in Hanoi, Vietnam, on the use of polluted irrigation water in periurban agriculture. Apart from outlining the physical features of the urban wastewater chain, a supply chain approach has been applied. Stakeholders along the management chain of the conventional urban wastewater system resemble ''spot markets'' (independent actors who act in self-interest) as described in supply chain management literature. In Hanoi, the conventional approach towards wastewater management consists of a strict separation of urban wastewater management from periurban agricultural use and a neglect of farmers as stakeholders in the chain. It is suggested that the use of wastewater in agriculture should be incorporated into urban water management systems and that farmers should be included as acting stakeholders in the management of the wastewater chain. Dans ce cadre, on s'est servi d'une approche filière après avoir défini les caractéristiques physiques de la filière des eaux usées urbaines. Les parties prenantes de la filière de gestion du réseau d'égouts urbain conventionnel ressemblent aux « spot markets » (soit des acteurs indépendants agissant dans leur propre intérêt) dont parle la littérature spécialisée. À Hanoi, la méthode traditionnelle en matière de gestion des eaux usées urbaines consiste à séparer strictement la gestion de ces eaux de leur utilisation dans l'agriculture périurbaine, et à négliger les agriculteurs en tant que parties prenantes de la filière. Des suggestions sont faites pour incorporer l'utilisation des eaux usées en agriculture aux systèmes de gestion des eaux urbaines, IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE Irrig. and Drain. 59: 336-344 (2010)