“…Quality as transformation, development and improvement, focusing on the customer, meeting or exceeding customer expectations of education Bogue, 1998;European University Association, 2006;Findlow, 2008;Harvey and Green, 1993;Harvey and Newton 2007;Lapina et al (2016); National quality management and organisational values in higher education, 2012; Parasuraman et al, 1985 cited by Choon et al, 2010;Sallis, 2002;Schindler et al, 2015;Watty, 2003. Quality as value-added, quality addition in education Bogue, 1998;Feigenbaum, 1951cited by Choon et al, 2010Lentjušenkova et al, (2016) Rivža et al, 2015. Quality as value for money, fitness of educational outcome Juran and Gryna, 1988 cited by Choon et al, 2010; National quality management and organisational values in higher education, 2012. Quality as excellence, based on high standards Peters and Waterman, 1982 cited by Choon et al, 2010;Lapiņa et al (2015); Straujuma et al, 2017. Quality as accountability, based on professional or academic standards, minimal or of a high level to attain excellence Schindler et al, 2015. Quality as exceptionalism, quality as limited supply Koslowski, 2006;Schindler et al, 2015. The main criterion that determines stakeholders' influential power is expected benefits.…”