Surg. 1996; 25: 433-438, © Munksgaard, 1996 Abstract. A randomized, controlled clinical trial was conducted to compare two dif ferent implant treatment modalities for edentulous patients with severely resorbed mandibles. In one modality (the IMZ® group), two intramobile cylinder implants were placed, connected by a Dolder bar and provided with an overdenture, and in the other (the TMI group), a transmandibular implant with a triple bar and cantilever ex tensions was placed, likewise provided with an overdenture. The conditions of the overdentures, the peri-implant tissues, and the implants were evaluated. Orthopanto mograms were taken for radiologic evaluation. An overall complication scale which took account of all aspects was devised to compare the results. The follow-up period was 2-4 years, with a mean follow-up of 3 years. The condition of dentures and oral hygiene aspects were comparable for both groups. The complication rate in the TMI group was significantly higher than that in the IMZ group. The scores on the compli cation scale resulted in a significant difference between the TMI and the IMZ groups (Wilcoxon, P~0.0044).