To study the surface reaction dynamics between GaCl molecules and the GaAs surface, we developed a GaCl molecular cell in which a high-purity GaCl molecular beam was produced by a direct reaction between Ga metal and Cl2 gas. We optimized the Cl2 gas flow gas for producing the GaCl molecular beam and the cell temperature from 920 to 1230 K. The GaCl3 byproduct, which is stable and forms large particles at lower temperature, was observed under an excess supply of Cl2. At 0.25 sccm, GaCl alone was produced and no Cl2 was observed. The flux density at the sample surface, whose radius was 2 mm and which was placed 40 cm away from a cell nozzle, was estimated to be 1.4×1012 molecules⋅cm−2⋅s−1.