There are studies comparing osteosynthesis devices and surgical aspects, but no references were found on how or when to allow weight bearing on the affected limb in the standing position. Objectives: The present study learned from Brazilian orthopedists which methods of osteosynthesis they use to treat open tibial fractures, whether they refer patients to physical therapy, when and why they allow partial weight bearing for both physical activity and therapy. Methods: Two hundred and thirty-five orthopedists answered a questionnaire during the 14 th Brazilian Conference of Orthopedic Trauma. Results: The results showed that, in Brazil, the most widely used osteosynthesis device is the external fixator, but earlier weight bearing while standing occurs when intramedullary nails are used.Most orthopedists refer patients to physical therapy and allow partial weight bearing in the standing position according to the material used for synthesis. Conclusions: It was concluded that there is a preference for external fixation, that most orthopedists refer patients to physical therapy and that the synthesis material influences restrictions on partial weight bearing.Key words: osteosynthesis; tibia; physical therapy; orthopedist.
ResumoContextualização: As fraturas da diáfise da tíbia são as mais frequentes dentre as dos ossos longos. Há descrições na literatura, de acordo com o método e dispositivo de tratamento, com recomendações que vão desde a descarga total até a proibição do suporte de peso corporal em ortostase. Existem estudos comparando os dispositivos de osteossíntese e os diversos aspectos cirúrgicos, porém não são encontradas referências que descrevam como e quando se deve liberar a descarga sobre o membro acometido na posição ortostática. Objetivos: Verificar, entre os ortopedistas brasileiros, qual ou quais são os métodos de osteossíntese adotados para o tratamento de fraturas expostas de tíbia, se indicam o tratamento fisioterápico, quando e quais fatores influem para liberar a descarga parcial em ortostase, tanto para a função quanto para a fisioterapia.