The electronic spectrum of the methyl propargyl cation (2-butyn-1-yl cation, HCH) is measured over the 230-270 nm range by photodissociating the bare cation and its Ar and N tagged complexes in a tandem mass spectrometer. The observed A'1←A'1 band system has an origin at 37 753 cm for HCH, 37738 cm for HCH-Ar, and 37 658 cm for HCH-N. The methyl propargyl cation photodissociates to produce either CH+CH (protonated acetylene + acetylene) or HCH+H (protonated diacetylene + dihydrogen). Photodissociation spectra of HCH, HCH-Ar, and HCH-N exhibit similar vibronic structure, with a strong progression of spacing 630 cm corresponding to excitation of the C-C stretch mode. Interpretation of the spectra is aided by ground and excited state calculations using time dependent density functional theory at the ωB97X-D/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory. Ab initio calculations and master equation simulations were used to interpret the dissociation of HCH on the ground state manifold. These calculations support the experimentally observed product branching ratios in which acetylene elimination dominates and also suggests that channel switching occurs at higher energies to favor H elimination.