There is extensive research in elementary education on effective practices that support academic success for students with mild to moderate disabilities in general education; however there is a dearth of research on high school inclusion practices. A survey examined the current inclusionary practices at a Central Coast High School. California State Standardized Assessment scores of 11 th grade English Language Art and Math classes were also analyzed by groups. Overall, findings indicated that inclusionary practices were implemented to different degrees, but none were fully in place i.e., practices building relationships was rated the highest and instructional practices was rated lowest. In addition, findings indicated that students with disabilities exceeded the state SBAC scores in the area of English but not math. Longitudinal research is needed to further identify secondary practices that impact Math scores for students with disabilities along with continued examination of inclusive high school practices. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This dissertation is the result of many hours of support and guidance from my Chair, Dr. Peg Hughes. Her partnership with consistent focus and eye for detail combined with patience, encouragement, and support were essential in this process. I would also like to thank my committee members, Dr. Lisa Simpson, and Dr. Lou Denti for their time and for their insight. Thank you Dr. Arnold Danzig for your leadership and vision in starting the Educational Doctorate program at SJSU. This experience changed my life as a professional and a person and I am deeply grateful for your influence. I want to convey my love and eternal gratitude to my partner in this journey and in life, Shawn Tennenbaum-my Amigo. Your persistent encouragement, tireless hours by my side writing, and relentless determination to get through this process together was truly powerful. You are my soulmate in this and every adventure. To my family and friends and their belief in me from the beginning; you provided me the space, support, and the time to take this path. My Mother passed to me the compassion to want to help others in their struggles; my Father passed to me the drive to take on any challenge set before me. My Sister believed in me and supports me in every step I take. My deepest wish is that this work encourages my children to continue to strive to always be the very best they can for themselves and for others. You are my greatest accomplishment in life. Finally, to Cohort 2. We have bonded and grown together in ways very few get the honor to encounter. Each one of us had an important role in offering a key ingredient in creating this magnificent experience. You have impacted me forever. Pura Vida! vi TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables .