Let s = {s jk } 0≤j+k≤3 be a given complex-valued sequence. The cubic complex moment problem involves determining necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a positive Borel measure σ on C (called a representing measure for s) such that s jk = CzIf Φ 0, then the commutativity of Φ −1 Φz and Φ −1 Φz is necessary and sufficient for the existence a 3-atomic representing measure for s. If Φ −1 Φz and Φ −1 Φz do not commute, then we show that s has a 4-atomic representing measure. The proof is constructive in nature and yields a concrete parametrization of all 4-atomic representing measures of s. Consequently, given a set K ⊆ C necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for s to have a 4-atomic representing measure σ which satisfies supp σ ∩ K = ∅ or supp σ ⊆ K. The cases when K = D and K = T are considered in detail.Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47A57; Secondary 30E05, 44A60.