Bone formation responds to mechanical loading, which is believed to be mediated by osteocytes. Previous theories assumed that loading stimulates osteocytes to secrete signals that stimulate bone formation. In computer simulations this 'stimulatory' theory successfully produced loadaligned trabecular structures. In recent years, however, it was discovered that osteocytes inhibit bone formation via the protein sclerostin. To reconcile this with strain-induced bone formation, one must assume that sclerostin secretion decreases with mechanical loading. This leads to a new 'inhibitory' theory in which loading inhibits osteocytes from inhibiting bone formation. Here we used computer simulations to show that a sclerostin-based model is able to produce a load-aligned trabecular architecture. An important difference appeared when we compared the response of the stimulatory and inhibitory models to loss of osteocytes, and found that the inhibitory pathway prevents the loss of trabeculae that is seen with the stimulatory model. Further, we demonstrated with combined stimulatory/inhibitory models that the two pathways can work side-by-side to achieve a load-adapted bone architecture.