Abstract. We define a filter on [\]K with properties similar to those of the closed unbounded filter in PK(X). This filter's behaviour depends on set theoretical hypotheses.The study of the combinatorial properties of the collection of subsets of uncountable cardinals has been a main line of research in the theory of large cardinals. For k < A regular uncountable cardinals, the space PK( X ) is the collection of subsets of A of cardinality smaller than k. This space was introduced in the investigation of strongly compact cardinals and of supercompact cardinals. In We recall the definition of huge cardinal. We say that k is huge with target A if there is an elementary embedding j': V -» M of the universe into a transitive model M containing all the ordinals such that k is the critical point of j, j(k) = X and XM C M. We denote this by k -» (A). (See [BDPT].) In this case the axiom of choice allows us to show that the set (A)K = {P C A | order type of P = k} belongs to the normal ultrafilter on [A]K, and thus we can characterize the fact that k -* (A) by the fact that there exists a normal, K-complete, fine ultrafilter on (A)\ Thus, under the axiom of choice the first characterization implies the second. This is not so in the absence of the axiom of choice; for instance, under the axiom of determinateness the implication fails, as shown by Mignone in [Mig].A natural problem is to find a filter on [A]K analogous to the closed unbounded filter for PK(X) constructed by Jech in [Jel]. The filter we construct is a K-complete, normal, fine, nontrivial filter, and, as shown by J. Baumgartner, it is the smallest filter on [A]K with these properties. Under the assumption that k is huge with target A, all elements of our filter have measure 1 with respect to the normal measure