This paper will describe how a culture of fear can prevent free learning and teaching. The author will take the position that a classroom should be a place to establish a culture of learning. Lehrfreiheit will be operationalized as teacher freedoms and lernfreiheit will be operationalized as learner freedoms. Next, a short history of academic freedom and modern applications will be discussed. The author will explain five fear generators (1. Pugilism, 2. Anti/intellectualism, 3. Short-termism, 4. Hierarchism, and 5. Perfectionism) considered in this paper. Each of the fear generators will be discussed both in terms of how they encroach on teachers' lehrfreiheit and how they encroach upon students' lernfreiheit. Descriptive examples will be shared indicating that fear has created cultures that are antithetical to the underlying foundation of academia and education. Fear thereby, inhibits student learning and faculty members' ability to provide free instruction designed to facilitate learning. The paper concludes through suggestions for challenging a "culture of fear" in order to maintain a culture of learning. Finally, the paper will assert the argument that basic academic freedoms are indeed suppressed through fear generators.