“…Mast cells were isolated from the peritoneal cavity of inbred albino rats ( O sb o r n -M e n d e l ) as previously described (1). The guinea-pig serum contained in the buffered physiological solution (0.864 % sodium chloride, 0.02 % potassium chloride, 0.01 % calcium chloride, 0.2% glucose, 10% Sorensen phosphate buffer pH 7.60, 2 / guinea-pig serum, 10 mg% heparin Roche) was replaced for most experiments by human serum albumin (HSA; ~99%; SRK) kindly supplied by PD Dr. A. H assig, Blutspendcdienst SRK, Bern; for the experiments with lysolecithin as well as for the comparison of the effects of normal human scrum and analbumin serum, the buffered physiological solution without addition of serum or HSA was used.…”