A convenient dual unitized apparatus is described for rapid electrolytic removal of heavy metals from solutions of reactive elements, such as alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and aluminum, using a mercury ca thode of new design. The apparatus consists of a self-contained immersion electrode assembly coupled to a high-capacity Tungar rectifier and a suitable control panel. It allows convenient, efficient use.with high current densities, permits easy washing of the electrode assembly without re-solu-THE removal of interfering metals prior to the determination of other elements offers numerous difficulties. If precipitation of the undesirable elements is to be employed, it is necessary to anticipate occlusion and to choose a suitable method or reagent that will not introduce interfering elements. It is often difficult to obtain reagents sufficiently free from the element to be determined; sometimes, subsequent removal of excess reagent offers additional difficulties. By contrast, electrolysis with the mercury cathode ( 7) eliminates virtually all these problems when applicable. With suitable apparatus it is generally possible to perform the electrolysis in a fraction of the time required for most chemical separations, leaving a dilute acid solution almost completely free of metallic elements.According to Lundell and Hoffman (8), the metals which-are quantitatively deposited in the mercury cathode are: chromium, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, molybdenum, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, iridium, tin, rhenium, indium, platinum, gold, mercury, thallium, bismuth, and polonium. Other elements which are completely removed from solution but not quantitatively deposited in the mercury are osmium, which is partially volatilized as the tetroxide at the anode, selenium and tellurium, which are reduced to the elemental state but remain unamalgamated, load, which may be partially deposited on the anode, and arsenic,