-An experiment was conducted to define a protocol to determine metabolizable nutrient and energy values of diets. The metabolizability (M) was calculated of the dry matter (DM); crude protein (CP); gross energy (GE) and AME n of a single diet. Eighty-one 21-day old (d) male birds were used. The tested methodologies were: Cr 2 O 3 (0.5%) as an indicator (partial collection) or Fe 2 O 3 (1%) as a marker; fasting (0, 4, 6 and 8 h) prior to excreta collection and at the end of the feeding period on the last day of collection (total collection). The excreta collection periods were also tested (3 and 5 days).Twenty 31-day old male broilers from the same group of birds were used to assess the effect of fasting on digestive organ weight. At the end of fasting the digestive organs were removed and weighed. Metabolism coefficients and energy were not different between 3 and 5 days of total collection. CPM was lower for marker utilization and 3 days excreta collection compared to the total collection. Eight hours fasting resulted in significantly lower CPM compared to the other periods or the no fasting. With the methodology of partial collection with 5 days of collection, the lowest values were observed for all the responses, compared to the 3 day collection period. The use of the total collection methodology produced the highest DMM and CPM compared to partial collection. No influence of fasting was observed on the digestive organ sizes, indicating that until 8 hours of fasting no changes were observed in either relative or absolute organ weight. However, the relative jejunum weight of birds submitted to 4 hours fasting was higher than that of birds under no fasting. Total collection, during a 3 day period, without fasting and marker use, is the best methodology for ingredient and feed evaluation of growing birds.Key Words: chromic oxide, excreta collection, fasting, ferric oxide, metabolizable energy organ size Estudo de variações metodológicas na determinação do metabolismo aparente de nutrientes em frangos de corte RESUMO -Realizou-se um ensaio com frangos de corte para a definição de um protocolo de determinação da metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes e da energia da dieta. Foram estimados os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade de matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), energia bruta (EB) e a energia metabolizável aparente corrigida para nitrogênio (EMA n )de uma mesma dieta, utilizando-se 81 aves, de 21 dias de idade. As metodologias testadas foram as seguintes: utilização de 0,5% de Cr 2 O 3 como indicador (coleta parcial) ou 1% de Fe 2 O 3 como marcador e aplicação ou não de jejum (0, 4, 6 e 8 horas)pré-início de coleta e após a última refeição, no último dia de coleta (coletas totais). Períodos de coleta de três ou cinco dias também foram testados. Retiradas do mesmo grupo original, 20 aves de 31 dias de idade foram usadas para avaliar o efeito do jejum sobre o tamanho dos órgãos digestivos. Após o jejum, os órgãos foram retirados e pesados. Os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade e a EMA n determinados pelo m...