Dr KIupr, C, R., Terr, M. er.ro Zv,xt, L 1973. Influence of basic material on soil genesis in the Thetford-Black Lake area, Province of eu6bec. Can. J. Soil Sci. 53: 27-35. Four profiles were sampled near the contact between the acidic and the ultramafites deposits. One profile was derived from serpentine rock whereas the three others were derived from till. Reworking The sampling sites are indicated in Fig' 1 and the main features of the profiles are snnrmarized in 'I'able 1.Profile 1 (46'10'N, 7l'11'3A"8, altitude (46'01'N, 7l'24'40"E, altitude 370 m) was taken on a glacial till ridge at about I km from a large asbestos mine and 500 m from the mine dumping area. The main disturbance at the site came from the wind-blown dust that formed a layer of approximately 2 cm over the humus horizon. The slope of this moderatefy well-drained site was 37o.