The use of Cephalosporium eichhorniae 152 (ATCC 38255) (reclassified as Acremonium alabamense; see Addendum in Proof), a thermophilic, acidophilic, amylolytic fungus, for the conversion of potato processing wastes into microbial protein for use as animal feed was studied. The fungus was not inhibited by a-solanine or 0-2-chaconine, antimicrobial compounds in potatoes, or by morpholine or cyclohexylamine (additives to steam used in the peeling process) at levels likely to be encountered in this substrate. Mixed effluent from holding tanks at a potato-processing plant contained about 109 bacteria per ml and inhibited fungal growth. * Corresponding author. eichhorniae 152 for the production of MBP from potato processing wastes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Culture. C. eichhorniae (Padwick) 152 was isolated by Gregory et al. (8) from soil. It was grown on potato dextrose agar (Difco Laboratories) at 45°C and stored at room temperature.