The application of the death penalty for perpetrators of crimes is an absorbing topic to talk about because it reaps the pros and cons. In Indonesia, despite these pros and cons, the death penalty is still maintained, but only imposed on perpetrators of crimes, categorized as extraordinary crimes, one of which is narcotics crimes. The government's reason for implementing the death penalty is none other than because the death penalty is considered to have a deterrent effect, so that it will be able to reduce the number of narcotics crimes in Indonesia. Therefore, there are several things that we need to review, including, how is the regulation of the death penalty for narcotics criminal offenders based on Law Number 35 of 2009, on Narcotics?How is the implementation of the death penalty for narcotics criminal offenders in Indonesia? Has the application of the death penalty for narcotics offenders proven effective in reducing the number of narcotics crimes in Indonesia?It is essential to answer these questions to increase knowledge for readers and contribute in formulating a more effective and efficient strategy in the fight against narcotics crime. The study was conducted through normative legal research, and the data in this study were secondary data, which consisted of the primary law materials and the secondary law materials. The results of this study show us that Indonesia has declared narcotics crimes as a high-risk crime so that elements concerning narcotics crimes and sanctions are specifically regulated in Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics. However, the number of narcotics crimes in Indonesia remains high, even though the death penalty has been repeatedly imposed on the perpetrators of narcotics crimes, which proves that the death penalty is not effective as a preventive action in combatting narcotics crimes in Indonesia.