ADDITIONAL KEYWORDSEnsiling. Hydrogen cyanide. Organoleptic property. Retting. Sun-drying.
PALABRAS CLAVE ADICIONALESEnsilaje. Ácido cianhídrico. Propiedades organolépticas. Enriado. Secado al sol.
SUMMARYA study was conducted to assess the effects of dietary inclusion of processed cassava peel meals (CPM) on the carcass characteristics, meat quality and economy of production of thirty-two growing rabbits. The rabbits, aged 6-week old with an initial average weight of 567±23 g, were allocated to a completely randomized design in a 9-week experiment. There were four diets consisting of a control (without cassava peel meal) and 200 g kg -1 of ensiled cassava peel meal (ECPM), sun-dried cassava peel meal (SCPM) and retted cassava peel meal (RCPM), respectively. The hydrogen cyanide (HCN) contents of processed CPM followed this rank order: RCPM (98.10 mg/kg) < SCPM (165 mg/kg) < ECPM (299.21 mg/kg) < unprocessed cassava peel meal (710.98 mg/kg). Live, slaughter and dressed weights, dressing percentage, meat to bone ratio, and pelt, shoulder, loin and leg expressed as the percentage of the dressed weight were lower (p<0.05) in ECPM than other diets. Other carcass parameters, meat organoleptic properties and savings on cost of feeding were not significantly influenced by the dietary treatments. Feed cost/kg body weight gain (BWG) decreased (p<0.05) with inclusion of 200 g/kg CPM in the diets. Differential cost/kg BWG and relative cost benefit/kg BWG showed similar trend and followed this rank order: RCPM > SCPM > ECPM (all p<0.05). Meat to bone ratio was positively and significantly (p<0.0001, R 2 = 0.9996) influenced by live, slaughter and dressed weights. The results indicate the efficacy of the processing methods in cassava peels detoxification, cost effectiveness of the 200 g kg -1 CPM diets and absence of negative effect of residual HCN contents of the detoxified CPM on the meat quality of the experimental rabbits.
RESUMENSe realizó un estudio para determinar los efectos de la inclusión en la dieta de peladuras de yuca (CPM) sobre las características de la canal, calidad de la carne y economía de la producción de 32 conejos en crecimiento. Los conejos, de 6 semanas de edad y peso inicial de 567±23 g, fueron organizados en un diseño completamente al azar en un experimento de 9 semanas de duración. Se utilizaron cuatro dietas una dieta control (sin CPM) y otras con 200 g kg -1 de CPM ensilada (ECPM), secada al sol (SCPM) o enriada (RCPM) respectivamente. El contenido de ácido cianhídrico (HCN) de la CPM procesada fue: RCPM (98,10 mg/kg) < SCPM (165 mg/kg) < ECPM (299,21 mg/kg) < CPM sin procesar (710,98 mg/kg). Los pesos vivo, al sacrificio y de la canal, el rendimiento canal, carne/hueso, y los porcentajes sobre la canal de piel, lomo, espalda y pierna fueron menores (p<0,05) en la dieta ECPM. Otros parámetros de la canal, propiedades organolépticas, y ahorro en el coste de alimentación no fueron significativamente influidos por los tratamientos. El coste de alimentacion por kg de ganancia de peso vivo (BWG) dismi...