Advanced Architectural Studies from UCL. Her PhD research investigated the 20th century urban transformation of London terraced houses and Manhattan row houses, focusing on street micromorphology and street liveability. Her post-doctoral research looked at the use of space syntax methods in delimitation practices for UNESCO historic urban landscapes. In 2017, she organized the Historic Urban Landscape Forum ( networking initiative, under UNESCO patronage. ORCiD:; twitter: @falli_p Sam Griffiths studied history at the University of Sheffield and took his doctorate at UCL's Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. He is Associate Professor in the Space Syntax Laboratory at the Bartlett School of Architecture. His research is highly interdisciplinary bringing formal spatial morphological methods to questions in urban social history, and historical perspectives to questions of urban design. Recent publications include an edited collection for Routledge Spatial Cultures: towards a new social morphology of cities (2016). He has published widely on the spatial culture of Victorian Sheffield and suburban high streets. He is currently working on a book for Routlege look at the role of architecture in conceiving and writing the urban past.