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AbstractWe depart from the assumption of perfect competition in the …nal goods sector, commonly used in cash-in-advance (CIA) models, providing extensive theoretical analysis of the general equilibrium of an economy with imperfect competition, endogenous production and fully ‡exible prices in the presence of occasionally binding CIA constraints, under general assumptions about the velocity of money. Homothetic preferences generate Marshallian demands which are linear in own price allowing for any combination of equilibrium number of …rms and demand elasticity. Whether the CIA constraint binds or not depends, among others, on the degree of imperfect competition. As the market becomes more competitive it is certainly no less likely that the CIA constraint will bind. The degree of imperfect competition directly a¤ects the distribution of consumption and indirectly the level of output and work e¤ort via the CIA constraint. With perfect foresight, there is an optimal negative steady-state in ‡ation rate. We also consider how the introduction of capital and bonds would …t into the framework.