The GEM (Gravity Electro-Magnetism), theory is presented as an alloy of Sakharov and Kaluza-Klein approaches to field unification. GEM uses the concept ofgravity fields as Poynting fields to postulate that the non-metric portion of the EM stress tensor becomes the metric tensor in strong fields leading to "self-censorship". Covariant formulation of the GEM theory is accomplished through definition of the spacetime metric tensor as a portion of the EM stress tensor normalized by its own trace: g ab = 4 (F c a F cb )/(F ab F ab ), it is found that this results in a massless ground state vacuum and a Newtonian gravitation potential f=½ E 2 /B 2 =GM/r , where E, B and F are part of the vacuum Zero Point Fluctuation (ZPF), M and r are the mass and distance from the center of a gravitating body, and G is the Newton gravitation constant. It is found that a Lorentz flat-space metric is recovered in the limit of a vacuum full spectrum ZPF. The vacuum ZPF energy and vacuum quantities G, h, c, gives birth to particles quantities m p , m e , e,-e in a process triggered by the appearance of the Kaluza-Klein fifth dimension, where also the EM and gravity forces split from each other in a process correlated to the splitting apart of protons and electrons. The separate appearance of the proton and electron occurs as the splitting of a light-like spacetime interval of zero-length into a finite space-like portion containing three subdimensions identified with the quarks and a time-like portion identified with the electron. The separation of mass with charge for the electron and proton pair comes about from a U (1) .6684x10 -11 dynes-cm 2 /g 2 , without free parameters, which is within 1 part per thousand of the measured value. We also have from the mass model, where q'/e = a -1/2 is the normalized Planck charge, and where M P is the Planck mass, a formula for the proton mass : m p =M P s q'/e = 1.71 x10 -24 g and thus is accurate to 2.5% , also without free parameters. GEM theory is now validated through the the Standard Model of physics. Derivation of the value of the Gravitation constant based on the observed variation of a with energy: results in the formula G @ hc/M hc 2 exp ( -1/(1.61a)), where a is the fine structure constant, h, is Plancks constant, c, is the speed of light, and M hc is the mass of the h cc Charmonium meson, and is shown to be identical to that derived from GEM postulates. GEM is thus consistent with quantum renormalization with an ultraviolet cutoff at the Planck length. More accurate values of G m e and m p are found by perturbation theory.