We report here for the first time that the variables forming the SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) group structure of particle physics, in which all the particles transform directly or indirectly only into one another, can formally function as a “collectively autocatalytic system.” We introduce the “Toy” Particle Apothecary Model, PAM, to study the stochastic branching collectively autocatalytic processes among the fundamental particles. This autocatalytic process yields a kinetic phase transition breaking matter – antimatter symmetry, so creates baryogenesis. Baryogenesis creating particles, together with the hypothesis that actualization events among these particles as they entangle yields a construction of spacetime, suggests a new candidate for the unknown physics of Inflation. Together these hope to go beyond the Standard Model and find a pathway from SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) to the lambda-CDM standard model of the Cosmogenesis.Online access to the current Particle Apothecary Model is available at particleapothecary.org.