Let L be a bounded lattice. If for each a 1 < b 1 ∈ L and a 2 < b 2 ∈ L there is a lattice embedding ψ : [a 1 , b 1 ] → [a 2 , b 2 ] with ψ(a 1 ) = a 2 and ψ(b 1 ) = b 2 , then we say that L is a quasifractal. If ψ can always be chosen to be an isomorphism or, equivalently, if L is isomorphic to each of its nontrivial intervals, then L will be called a fractal lattice. For a ring R with 1 let V(R) denote the lattice variety generated by the submodule lattices of R-modules. Varieties of this kind are completely described in [16]. The prime field of characteristic p will be denoted by Fp.Let U be a lattice variety generated by a nondistributive modular quasifractal. The main theorem says that U is neither too small nor too large in the following sense: there is a unique p = p(U ), a prime number or zero, such that V(Fp) ⊆ U and for any n ≥ 3 and any nontrivial (normalized von Neumann) n-frame ( a, c) = (a 1 , . . . , an, c 12 , . . . , c 1n ) of any lattice in U , ( a, c) is of characteristic p. We do not know if U = V(Fp) in general; however we point out that, for any ring R with 1, V(R) ⊆ U implies V(R) = V(Fp). It will not be hard to show that U is Arguesian.The main theorem does have a content, for it has been shown in [2] that each of the V(Fp) is generated by a single fractal lattice Lp; moreover we can stipulate either that Lp is a continuous geometry or that Lp is countable.The proof of the main theorem is based on the following result of the present paper: if ( a, c) is a nontrivial m-frame and ( u, v) is an n-frame of a modular lattice L with m, n ≥ 3 such that u 1 ∨ · · · ∨ un = a 1 and u 1 ∧ u 2 = a 1 ∧ a 2 , then these two frames have the same characteristic and, in addition, they determine a nontrivial mn-frame ( b, d) of the same characteristic in a canonical way, which we call the product frame.