The paper is concerned with generally Π 1 2 sentences of the form " if X is well ordered then f (X) is well ordered", where f is a standard proof theoretic function from ordinals to ordinals. It has turned out that a statement of this form is often equivalent to the existence of countable coded ω-models for a particular theory T f whose consistency can be proved by means of a cut elimination theorem in infinitary logic which crucially involves the function f . To illustrate this theme, we shall focus on the well-known ϕ-function which figures prominently in so-called predicative proof theory. However, the approach taken here lends itself to generalization in that the techniques we employ can be applied to many other proof-theoretic functions associated with cut elimination theorems. In this paper we show that the statement " if X is well ordered then ϕX0 is well ordered" is equivalent to ATR 0 . This was first proved by Friedman, Montalban and Weiermann [7] using recursion-theoretic and combinatorial methods. The proof given here is proof-theoretic, the main techniques being Schütte's method of proof search (deduction chains) [13], generalized to ω logic, and cut elimination for infinitary ramified analysis.