Abstract. The cryosphere's surface (snow, sea ice, and water) regulates global climate through several feedback mechanisms. Broadband albedo is a critical parameter determining the radiative energy balance of the complex atmosphere-cryosphere system, but there is currently no reliable, operational albedo retrieval product capable of assessing the global sea-ice albedo with sufficient spatial-temporal resolution for studies of sea-ice dynamics and for use in global climate models. A framework was established for remote sensing of sea ice albedo that integrates sea-ice physics with high computational efficiency, and can be applied to any optical sensor that measures appropriate radiance data. A scientific machine learning (SciML) approach was developed and trained on a large synthetic dataset (SD) constructed using a coupled atmosphere-surface radiative transfer model (RTM). The resulting RTM/SciML framework combines the RTM with a multi-layer artificial neural network SciML model. In comparison to the NASA MODIS MCD43 albedo product, this framework does not depend on observations from multiple days, and can be applied to single angular observations obtained under clear-sky conditions. Compared to the existing melt pond fraction-based approach for albedo retrieval, the RTM/SciML framework has the advantage of being applicable to a wide variety of cryosphere surfaces, both heterogeneous and homogeneous. Validation of the RTM/SciML albedo product using MODIS and SGLI data against measurements obtained from aircraft campaigns revealed excellent agreement, with mean absolute error of 0.047 for above 2000 clear-sky pixels.