The relationship between p * t and TR for nonpolar gases a t normal pressures is used to predict the viscosity for their mixtures. For such mixtures, pseudocritical temperatures are used t o obtain TR. T o establish tm for a mixture, a binary interaction model has been applied that utilizes composition and the 5 values of the pure components.Viscosities have been calculated for twenty binary systems which include helium and hydrogen.These calculated values produce an average deviation of 1.97% for 148 compositions. This method was also applied to the helium-neon-argon ternary system a t 100°C. to obtain for four mixtures examined a n average deviation of 2.2%.Several methods for the prediction of viscosity of gaseous mixtures at essentially atmospheric pressure have appeared in the literature. Noteworthy of mention are those proposed by Sutherland ( 9 ) , Wilke ( 1 7), and Curtiss and Hirschfelder (1 ) .For pure gases at nearly atmospheric pressure, Stiel and Thodos ( 8 ) , utilizing a dimensional analysis, show that viscosity is a unique function of T R and the system parameters 5 and zc as follows:( 1 ) A comparison of viscosities of several nonpolar gases indicates that p " t is independent of zc and that this product is a function of T R only. With the exception of hydrogen and helium, their study based on fifty nonpolar substances, including monatomic, diatomic, and polyatomic gases, produced a single relationship which can be expressed in equation form as follows:
Page 300 AlChEEquations ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , and (4) were derived from the relationships of Figure 1, developed by Stiel and Thodos (8).Dean and Stiel ( 2 ) , utilizing viscosities for nonpolar gaseous mixtures and the pseudocritical constants of Prausnitz and Gunn ( 5 ) , establish a relationship of ~" t , ,~ vs. T R that is nearly the same to that represented by Equation ( 2 ) .In this investigation an attempt is made to establish t,,, the viscosity parameter for a mixture, from the pure component values 5 in place of pseudocritical constants. This approach should offer a means for the establishment of this viscosity parameter for mixtures that bears directly on the composition of the mixture and not on its pseudocritical constants.
T R E A T M E N T OF E X P E R I M E N T A L DATAViscosity measurements available in the literature for a number of binary systems were considered. These systems, including several which contain helium and hydrogen, along with the viscosity parameter of each component and sources of viscosity data of their mixtures are presented in Table 1. In Figure 2 are presented the viscosity measurements of Trautz and Melster ( 1 4 ) for the hydrogenoxygen system at atmospheric pressure and temperatures of 26.9", 126.9", 226.9", and 276.9"C. To establish for this binary system values of the viscosity parameter potm,