Kampo medicine is composed of a variety of crude drugs. Each crude drug has its own effects, and the interaction of all drugs produces the therapeutic effect of Kampo medicine. In order to examine the characteristics of Kampo medicine and its crude drugs, 120 types of herbal medicines were characterized based on their three‐dimensional high‐performance liquid chromatography (3D‐HPLC) profiles as well as their effects on cell morphology/proliferation when added to cultured cells and gene expression changes such as on BNIP‐3 mRNA levels as an example.
The cultured neural cell line N18‐TG‐2 and glial cell line C6Bu‐1 were used in experiments. After the acquisition of 3D‐HPLC data, each crude drug was added to the cell culture medium at concentrations of 10 and 100 μg/mL, images were taken of morphological changes, and RNA was extracted to prepare a complementary DNA (cDNA) library.
All the results obtained from the treatments with 120 crude drugs are listed in the Supporting Information. Based on these data, as an example the expression of antidepressant‐related factor BNIP‐3, which we had previously found to increase in expression after treatment with Hochuekkito, was studied and the results obtained revealed that it was increased by Astragali Radix, Cimicifugae Rhizoma, Glycyrrhizae Radix and others.
The present results, which were collected from observations under unified conditions, include information that will promote herbal medicine research. Future studies to examine the effects of crude drug combinations are also discussed, suggesting that the information files and cDNA library presented here can be the basis for many future integrated studies such as new Wakan‐yaku prescription developments.