The paper presents investigations of the effect of hydrogen embrittlement on the plastic flow. The studies are performed for test samples of aluminum alloy subjected to electrolytic hydrogenation in a three-electrode electrochemical cell at a controlled constant cathode potential using the Digital Image Correlation method. Diagrams of localized plasticity wave propagation through the length of the sample under deformation have been obtained. The deformation diagrams are examined for the deformed samples of the aluminum alloy and also main parameters of localized plasticity patterns are determined. Using the scanning electron microscopy method, the changes in the fracture surface are investigated.Keywords: hydrogen embrittlement, duralumin, plasticity, microhardness, localized deformation. Science, 2006, vol. 41, pp. 5495-5499. DOI: 10.1007. Kim S.J., Han M.S., Jang S.K. Electrochemical characteristics of Al-Mg alloy in seawater for leisure ship: Stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement.