We consider the quotient of the Hermitian curve defined by the equation y q + y = x m over F q 2 where m > 2 is a divisor of q + 1. For 2 ≤ r ≤ q + 1, we determine the Weierstrass semigroup of any r-tuple of F q 2 -rational points (P ∞ , P 0b 2 , . . . , P 0br ) on this curve. Using these semigroups, we construct algebraic geometry codes with minimum distance exceeding the designed distance. In addition, we prove that there are r-point codes, that is codes of the form C (D, α 1 P ∞ , α 2 P 0b 2 , + · · · + α r P 0br ) where r ≥ 2, with better parameters than any comparable one-point code on the same curve. Some of these codes have better parameters than comparable one-point Hermitian codes over the same field. All of our results apply to the Hermitian curve itself which is obtained by taking m = q + 1 in the above equation.