Alor~nl-it-orring is N 11ni11y dn~elo/) (;(l /)roces.sJi,r mclking n s?nooli~ sr~rji~ce by re/)lic/~li~?g Ill(! loo1 rotcg/ on/o I/ze roorlr/)iece. A sirnfile brct rtsc/rtl sIrO c111c11ysi.s is pro/) lo itlvestigcde /he irzfluences of o/)nnlia~~crL collr/ilio11.s, srtch ns re(lltclio~?, die n~rgle, (~n d friction, 0 1 1 l/le n.s/)mi/y jl(tlle11illg. A 11nc1 shee/ rrrd(~1 /on12illg /n'Oometer is desig~~e(/ 10 s i~n rclnle /he in /ernrll-irn~~i~ig proce.s.s. Ilffercn 1 h~lm"-ctn~ls, redrrclio~r.~, cord ironitig .s/)ee(/.s are in 1/~e ex/~eriments. . . I he e x /~o . i~~i e~~l n l re~s~~lls co12Jrr11 llic~l tile l/&eoreticc~l model is sueces.flrl 171 1~1io1yzing [he s111oo1/1ing e e l . 7%e o / ) l i r n~~~n replimlion ( I I~~I I it1171 III ~O I I~/ I II(!S.S) /rt/te.s /)lrtce (11 n ~nodan/e red~rclion oJ nOorr/ 3 0 perc(!~l/ 7ohe1l //re wcigl~~tess I(qs (/ex!xl~i,s 1ine.s) (r?/ the ruork/~iece (I , r /)nr(~lIel lo /lie irotr i r~g //ireelion, rve// l~tl~ricr~led on l/ie ironing die (L?L(/ ~oil~tOric(~/e// 0 1 1 /he re/)licn/io~i side.