ABSTRACT. Marine ice sh eets rest on land that, for the most part, is below sea-level. Ice that flows across the grounding line, where the ice sheet becomes a float, either calves into icebergs or forms a floating ice shelf joined to the ice sheet. At the grounding line there is a transition from ice-sheet dynamics to ice-shelf dynamics, and the creep-thinning rate in this region is very sensitive to sea depth; rising sea-level causes increased thinning-rates a nd grounding-line retreat, falling sea-level has the reverse effect . If the bedrock slopes down towards the centre of the ice sheet there may be only two stable modes: a freely-floating ice shelf or a ma rine ice sheet that extends to the edge of the continental shelf. Once started, collapse of such an ice sheet to form a n ice shelf may take place extremely rapidly. Ice sh elves which form in embayments of a marine ice sh eet, or which are partially grounded, have a stabilizing influence since ice flowing across the grounding line has to push the ice shelf past its sides. Retreat of the grounding line tends to enlarge the ice shelf, which ultimately may become large enough to prevent excessive outflow from the ice sheet so that a new equilibrium grounding line is established ; removal of the ice shelf would allow r etreat to continue. During the late-Wisconsin glacial maximum there may have been marine ice sheets in the northern hemisphere but the only current exa mple is the W est Antarctic ice sh eet. This is buttressed by the Ross and Ronne Ice Shelves, and if clima tic warming were to prohibit the ex isten ce of these ice shelves then the ice sheet would collapse. Field observations suggest that, a t present, the ice sh eet may be advancing into parts of the R oss I ce Shelf. Such advance, however, would not ensure the secu rity of the ice sh eet since ice streams that dra in to the north appear to fl ow directly into the sea with little or no ice shelf to buttress them. If these ice streams do not flow over a sufficiently high bedrock sill then they provide the most likely avenues for ice-sh eet retreat. R EsuME. La dynamique des calottes glaciaires marines. L es calottes glaciaires marines resposent sur un sol qui, pour la plus gran de part est en dessous du ni veau de la mer. La glace qui s'ecoule a travers la ligne d e decollem ent, lorsq ue la glace commence a flotter, soit vele en icebergs soit form e une cou verture de glace qui se raccorde a la calotte glaciaire. A la lign e de decollement il y a un e transition de la dynamique des calottes a celle des plateformes d e glace, et I'amin cissement dli au mouvement des glaces dans cette region est tres sensible a la profondeur d e la mer; si le niveau marin s'eleve, la vitesse de I'amincissement s'accroit et la ligne d e decollement recul e, un e baisse du niveau des mers a I'effet inverse. Si la pente du lit rocheux descend vers le centre de la calotte gl aciaire il ne peut y avoir que d eux etats stables : une plateforme flottant librement ou une calotte glacia ire marine qui s'etend jusqu'a l...