A novel putative virus of Gremmeniella abietina type B (Ascomycota: Helotiaceae) has a composite genome with endornavirus affinities Ascospore and mycelial isolates of Gremmeniella abietina type B were found to contain three different dsRNA molecules with approximate lengths of 11, 5 and 3 kb. The 11 kb dsRNA encoded the genome of a putative virus and is named Gremmeniella abietina type B RNA virus XL (GaBRV-XL). GaBRV-XL probably exists in an unencapsulated state. We identified two distinct dsRNAs (10 374 and 10 375 bp) of GaBRV-XL, both of which coded for the same putative polyprotein (3249 amino acids) and contained four regions similar to putative viral methyltransferases, DExH box helicases, viral RNA helicase 1 and RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. While a cysteine-rich region with several CxCC motifs in GaBRV-XL was similar to that of putative endornaviruses, cluster analyses of conserved regions revealed GaBRV-XL to be distinct from a broad range of viral taxa but most closely related to Discula destructiva virus 3. Collectively, these findings suggest that GaBRV-XL represents a novel virus group related to endornaviruses.
INTRODUCTIONRecently recognized by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTVdB Management, 2006), endornaviruses are usually cryptic and non-enveloped plant and fungal dsRNA viruses that spread efficiently through mitotic and meiotic cells but not through grafts (Fukuhara et al., 1995;Moriyama et al., 1999;Wakarchuk & Hamilton, 1990;Pfeiffer, 1998 Fungal viruses of the G. abietina species complex have been studied thoroughly in type A and are known to include putative members of the virus families Narnaviridae, Totiviridae and Partitiviridae, some of which can co-infect a single fungal isolate (Tuomivirta et al., 2002;Tuomivirta & Hantula, 2005).The goals of this study include a survey of dsRNA molecules in G. abietina type B, molecular characterization of the most common dsRNA type and its comparison to representatives of similar viral taxa.
METHODSG. abietina type B strains. G. abietina type B strains (see Supplementary Table S1, available in JGV Online) were identified by the random amplified microsatellite (RAMS) technique of Hantula & M眉ller (1997). Branches from P. sylvestris and Pinus contorta ,2 m in height (,20 years old) with symptoms of scleroderris canker were collected in artificially or naturally regenerated stands between June 1994 and June 1995 in northern Finland. Disease symptoms included death of lateral branches over several internodes, cankers, yellowgreen woody tissues, pycnidia and apothecia. Fungi were isolated either from pycnidia or from infected wood adjacent to apothecia.Nucleic acid isolation and electrophoresis. G. abietina type B isolates were grown at 20 uC on modified orange serum agar covered with a cellophane membrane (M眉ller et al., 1994). dsRNA isolationThe GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers for the complete sequences of the 11 kb dsRNAs of isolates AU58 (GaBRV-XL1) and E46 (GaBRV-XL2) are respectively DQ399289 and DQ399290.Details of ...