The international discussion about global climate change now revolves around what the necessary set of policies and technologies will be needed to realize reduction goals. Stabilizing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations at 450 to 550 parts per million will require policy changes along with innovation and large-scale adoption of GHG-reducing technologies throughout the global energy system. Innovations will need to be supported by international cooperation and behavioral changes to further realize the benefits of technological advances. Much discussion has therefore focused on policies that target technology directly, including research and development (R&D) activities and technology-specific incentives, as well as policies and agreements that increase diffusion and adoption. This paper reviews the recent literature on trends and prospects for innovation in climate change mitigation, to identify the most important international and domestic actions necessary to technologically alter energy systems in a direction that can achieve GHG stabilization targets while also meeting other societal goals. It provides an overview of key technical issues associated with the development, diffusion, and adoption of technologies that mitigate climate change. It examines the role of environment and innovation policy measures to encourage innovation, and it outlines the conditions that trigger these advances. The review highlights that establishing a GHG emission price is essential from a technology perspective. Such a price should be coupled with public R&D support. The review discusses policy features that impact on environmentally oriented R&D, the diffusion of environmental innovations, their deployment in developing countries. In particular, the paper outlines the positive role of international technology-oriented agreements as part of the architecture of an international climate change policy. Le débat international au sujet du changement climatique porte maintenant sur les politiques et les technologies qui devront être mises en œuvre pour atteindre les objectifs de réduction des émissions. Pour stabiliser les émissions de dioxyde de carbone dans l’atmosphère entre 450 et 550 particules par million, il faut de nouvelles politiques mais aussi des innovations et l’utilisation à grande échelle, dans l’ensemble du système énergétique global, de technologies qui réduisent les gaz à effet de serre. L’innovation devra être encouragée par la coopération internationale et des changements de comportements, pour que les bénéfices des avancées technologiques se matérialisent. Aussi, une part importante du débat a porté sur les politiques qui soutiennent directement le développement technologique, notamment les activités de recherche et développement (R&D) et les incitations spécifiques, mais aussi sur les politiques et les arrangements qui encouragent la diffusion et l’utilisation des technologies. Ce document analyse la littérature récente sur les tendances récentes et à venir relatives à l’innovation pour lutter contre le ...