Spacing repetitions generally facilitates memory for the repeated events. This article describes a theory of spacing effects that uses the same principles to account for both facilitatory and inhibitory effects of spacing in a number of memory paradigms. Increasing the spacing between repetitions is assumed to result in the storage of greater amounts of information of three types or levels: contextual, structural (associative), and descriptive. Contextual information is encoded automatically, while the encoding of the structural and descriptive information depends on control processes utilized. Remembering involves accessing the stored information using retrieval cues containing information on any level that matches the stored information. The ultimate effectiveness of the spacing is controlled by this matehing between the retrieval cues and the stored information. Previous experiments demonstrating the operation of these principles on the structural and descriptive levels are reviewed. Three new experiments are reported that illustrate interactions between stored information and retrieval cues based on contextual information.The effect of arepetition has always been of great importance to all theories of learning and memory. That performance improves with repetitions is one of the basic phenomena to be explained. Nonetheless, there is not an adequate explanation of when, how, or why repetitions are effective. No single-process theory, nor many multiprocess theories, can account for all, or even most, of the empirical findings. The goal of this article is to present a theoretical framework that integrates a number of different repetition-effect phenomena and that makes a variety of new predictions.Specifica11y, the theory is designed to account for distributed practice and spacing effects found with verbal stimuli in a majority of verbal learning and memory paradigms. The distributed practice effect refers to enhanced memory performance on repeated iterns whose presentations are distributed (either through time or through time and other presentations), as opposed to performance on items whose presentations are massed or contiguous. In addition, in many situations the amount of distribution is positively correlated with performance. As the spacing, or lag, between the presentations increases, performance genera11y shows a concomitant, negatively accelerated improvement (Melton, 1970). Distributed practice effects, in one sense, have been difficult to explain because of their ubiquity across both tasks and information processing strategies (Underwood,