Abstract. The unique second-forbidden /I-transition 0+(555.9keV /:r + of 1~ was analyzed in detail. The half-life T~/2 was calculated in the best possible way. Special attention was bestowed on the higher order corrections and a careful treatment of the errors performed. The theoretical half-life was obtained to be T1/2 = (1.31 _+ 0.15) x 106 yr. Although this result, within the uncertainties, appears to be in agreement with the experimental value T1. 2 = (1.59 + 0.16) x 10 6 yr, its mean value is slightly smaller than that of the experimental. This fact is attributed to the renormalization of the axial vector coupling constant C A. The phenomenological magnitude of this renormalization, ps gc =0.923 +0.096, was found to be in excellent agreement with the "fundamental" renormalization derived from the PCAC hypothesis and the exchange effects in the pionic vertex, namely Pv -~ 0.93.