Traditional dual clustering algorithms cannot adaptively perform clustering well without sufficient prior knowledge of the dataset. This article aims at accommodating both spatial and non-spatial attributes in detecting clusters without the need to set parameters by default or prior knowledge. A novel adaptive dual clustering algorithm (ADC1) is proposed to obtain satisfactory clustering results considering the spatial proximity and attribute similarity with the presence of noise and barriers. In this algorithm, Delaunay triangulation is utilized to adaptively obtain spatial proximity and spatial homogenous patterns based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). Then, a hierarchical clustering method is employed to obtain clusters with similar attributes. The hierarchical clustering method adopts a discriminating coefficient to adaptively control the depth of the hierarchical architecture. The clustering results are further refined using an optimization approach. The advantages and practicability of the ADC1 algorithm are illustrated by experiments on both simulated datasets and real-world applications. It is found that the proposed ADC1 algorithm can adaptively and accurately detect clusters with arbitrary shapes, similar attributes and densities under the consideration of barriers. K E Y W O R D S adaptive dual clustering, data mining, Delaunay triangulation, hierarchical structure, rural settlement zoning 1 | I NTR OD U CTI ON Clustering algorithms aim to separate a dataset to minimize the within-group variance and maximize the betweengroup variance. As such, they are a powerful tool applied in various applications, such as in the unsupervised classification of image processing, hot spot analysis, and outlier detection. Many traditional clustering algorithms have been reported in the literature and can be grouped into six categories, i.e. density-based (Andrade et al.