Abstract.The Bernstein-Doetsch theorem on midconvex functions is extended to approximately midconvex functions and to approximately Wright convex functions.Let X be a real vector space, D be a convex subset of X, and £ be a nonnegative constant. A function f:D ->R is said to be e-convex if f(tx + (1 -t)y) < tf{x) + (1 -t)f{y) + e for all x,y &D ande-Wright-convex if f{tx + (1 -t)y) + /((1 -t)x + ty) < f(x) + f{y) + 2e for all x,y €D and t e[0, 1]; e-midconvex if f{^)< \{f{x) + f{y)) + e for all x,y eD. Notice that e-convexity implies e-Wright-convexity, which in turn implies e-midconvexity, but not the converse. The usual notions of convexity, Wrightconvexity, and midconvexity correspond to the case e = 0. A comprehensive review on this subject can be found in [1,6,[8][9][10]. The Bernstein-Doetsch theorem relates local boundedness, midconvexity, and convexity (cf. [6,10]). In order to extend this result to approximately midconvex functions, we first specify the assumptions on the topology 3~ to be imposed on X: the map (t, x, y) -+ tx + y from lxlxl-»l is continuous in each of its three variables. Here the scalar field R is under the usual topology. In former literature the topology S~ is called semilinear (cf. [4, 5, 7]). These assumptions are weaker than those for X to be a topological vector space. The finest JonI is formed by taking all subsets A c X with the property that if xo € A , x e X, then there exists a 3 > 0 such that tx + (1 -t)xo e A for all t e ] -S, S[. (1) f(k2-"x + (1 -k2-")y) < k2~nf{x) + (1 -kl~n)f{y) + (2 -2~n+x)e for all x,yeD, «eN = {l