Theories of elder abuse focus on the characteristics of the victim, the perpetrator, and the context of abuse. Although all three factors play a role, we are biased to notice individual misbehavior as the primary and sole cause of abuse. We see individuals as responsible for abuse. By examining abuses across a spectrum of healthcare services, abuse is more likely to be due to the institutional culture that includes the use of medications, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing Facilities/nursing homes, hospices, hospitals, and Medicare Advantage programs. This study highlights multiple and consistent institutional abuses that result in harm and death of older adults on a consistent basis. The results show that when profit is increased, standards of care are diminished, and abuse ensues. Assigning responsibility to the management of healthcare becomes a priority in reducing this level of abuse. However, there are biases that stop us from assigning blame to institutions. Individual healthcare workers adhere to work protocol and rationalize the negative outcomes as inevitable or due to the vulnerability and frailness of older people. This culture is socialized for new employees that develop a culture of diminishing the needs of the individual patient in favor of the priorities dictated by the management protocol. In addition, the public is focused on assigning blame to individuals. Once an individual is assigned blame then they do not look beyond that to understand the context of abuse. A context that is generated by healthcare facilities maximizing profit and denigrating patient care. Regulatory agencies such as the U.S. DHHS, CDC, State Public Health Agencies, State/City Elder Abuse units, and Ombudsmen Programs all collude, for multiple reasons, in diminishing institutional responsibility.