The most important factor in ensuring the well-being and prosperity of the region is its potential for integration into national and international production and economic systems, which are additional sources of necessary resources for development. In this sense, the border regions of the countries have a unique resource the ability to directly enter the foreign market, but they use this resource in different ways. The efficient use of the potential of the border position makes an additional contribution to the territorial capital. It is now recognized that boundaries do not so much hinder communication and the formation of relationships, but also direct them in a positive direction and predetermine. In this regard, the authors set themselves the goal of systematizing and revealing the practical application of scientifically based approaches to the development of cross-border cooperation. The authors came to the conclusion that, from a practical point of view, for the development of cross- border cooperation, it is currently advisable to use the institutional, cluster and spatial approaches, which allows a comprehensive approach to the development of triggering mechanisms for bilateral processes. The need to supplement the existing theoretical and methodological apparatus with the theory of cooperation between competitors (B. Neilbuff, A. Brandenburger) is noted, which will allow to define and systematize the "fine" criteria that govern the subjects of foreign economic activity, to better understand the balance of interests. To this end, it was proposed to monitor the currently used cooperation mechanisms based on the PVP approach of limology, to assess the relevance of existing mechanisms and identify gaps in measures to support cross-border cooperation on the basis of the methodological approaches of a randomized controlled trial.